Tuesday, October 5, 2010

7 measures to have successful SEO marketing - Part 3

The previous sections covered the main ideas behind the optimization of websites and internet marketing aspects that can be used by freelancers and the SEO service providers to effectively manage the ratings and rankings of the website under question on behalf of the client. Read ahead to find a couple more areas to focus on:
6.    Optimize the URL’s
The URLs were not very important until recently. They are supposed to be clean of unnecessary extensions and have to include the main area which it refers to.  The URLs might include extensions that send more requests to the server so that is not very healthy in calculating the loading time of the website.  Plus, you are mostly posting the URLs to different locations and that calls for more specific links and more cleaner and short versions of the URL
            7.     Quality Content
The content that is being posted subjected towards grabbing the attention of the potential consumers has to be very specific in nature and quite relevant to the main area being explored. The information flow has to be seamless and smooth in order to confirm that the viewer will be able to extract the information and use it where necessary. Using big terms as short and abbreviations might not always be useful even if it helps you explain things in a much better way, these terms are better to be mentioned once in the blogs or posts that cover the content. Every single content post that is written has to address the need of regular visitors and the new visitors alike. SEO services that include these posts have to be clearer so that is a must.
These practices can improve your rating and if you are running an outsource firm, you can actually become the top SEO company in cyber town.

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